Thursday, January 3, 2013


These past few months have been months of change.  Oh how I have longed to write and record everything that is happening, but in the midst of it, everything seemed too much to record. How can I put this life into words?  It seemed impossible.

The days scurry along and sometimes it seems impossible to catch a moment of quiet. Balancing homeschool preschool, doctor's appointments, playdates and mom's group, housework and errands has been tricky at times. Balancing being busy and then having that downtime, playtime at home that the girls crave and love - it's hard. Our biggest news the
                                                                                    past few months is #3... #3 is coming! Nausea, exhaustion, and just trying to figure how a pregnant mama can do all this - that has been the past few months!

The girls have been fabulous, and although we have had our struggles they are beginning to internalize everything that is happening, primarily through play.  They play birthing babies and have packages of goat's milk to play with (wipes refill packages), they carry their babies everywhere too.

They are great friends and their pretend play is amazing.

Tim's sister got married in November and we had a lovely time celebrating with family and a few of her friends that flew to Fredericton for the occasion.  Charlotte was a flower girl for the very first time!  

Lila had a matching skirt (all homemade... not by me!) and did pretty well throughout the ceremony and photos.  

She even had some flower petals to sprinkle!  It was a great time to connect with family, eat yummy food together, stay up late and celebrate together.

Christmas has come and gone, in a bit of a whirlwind. I was quite sick up to the holiday, so preparations were minimal. We had a nice celebration with family, and made it to Nova Scotia on Boxing Day to visit my family.  

New Year's Eve we spent with close friends in Moncton and had a really nice visit with them and their boys.

Now we are home, the Christmas tree has yet to be taken down and to be honest, I feel like I am grasping at  loose ends, trying to live these days with purpose and joy. What's to come in the new year?  I'm not exactly sure, but there will be love and growth and change.  I know that for sure.

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