I haven't posted in a while, mainly because we have been wrestling with sickness all around! Last Friday, Charlotte had a fever that wouldn't break with Tylenol. It made me nervous, and we took her to emerg around 7 pm that night. They took us in right away, but with all the tests they gave her (chest x-ray, and urine sample) we didn't get home until 11:30 or so. It was exhausting and horrible to see Charlotte so uncomfortable and miserable. The doctor said just to watch her for rash or chicken pox, but everything else seemed fine.
Sunday she seemed to be feeling better, but on Monday she got a runny nose, runny eyes and cough. She was a pretty miserable little girl. Thankfully, on Tuesday we had her 9 month appointment, so we were going to see our doctor anyway. Tuesday morning the receptionist called to say the nurse was out for the day, so her appointment would have to be rescheduled. I kind of pleaded that we come in to see the doctor anyway, and she allowed it! The doctor said it was either viral or bacterial... of course, but gave me a prescription for an antibiotic just in case. She said that if her nose mucus turned green, or her fever came back to start her on the antibiotic.
She started to turn around for the better and began playing and being the happy little girl she is. Meanwhile, both Tim and I came down with horrible colds. Thursday, the receptionist called back and told me to start her on the antibiotic (amoxil). I wasn't sure why, all of a sudden she would call. I asked her to ask the doctor and call back. Apparently there was a spot on her lung in the chest x-ray that indicated pneumonia. They didn't catch this on Friday I guess. So off to the pharmacy we went, in blazing hot weather I might add! It was 32 degrees yesterday and hot, hot hot.
So now she is sort of feeling better, although her cough is much worse, it is sharp and flemmy. Her nose mucus has turned green... nice huh? Now I am just trying to figure out how to get the medicine into her, without it running down her cheek. She hates it.... and it's so hard to force it.
We have just had a really quiet week, staying at home and trying to get over all of this.
Oh, and I left our camera at my aunt's house, so we haven't gotten any pictures this week!
Hopefully this weekend, everyone will recover and we will be well on our way to welcoming summer! (And visits from our two far away aunties... can't WAIT!!)
yay, I can't wait!!!!