Wednesday, December 30, 2009

little trip

My family and I are on a little trip right now, visiting my parents and sisters. We are having a wonderful break from the everyday busyness of a life that had spun a bit out of control. It is perfect timing for me, and a great time to stop for a bit (as much as you can with a busy toddler!) and step away from the every day tasks that running a house brings and just be.

I am looking forward to a new year with great anticipation. I feel like I am in need of taking stock of what is happening in my life and making some pretty important decisions to the direction that we need to take together. Look out for some new goals that I will be working on and posting soon! For now, here is a picture of me with my gorgeous sisters taken by the talented Laura MacDonald.

And there won't be any menu planning this week, as I am not cooking, just helping out with other things around the house. And I love it :)

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