Sunday, February 15, 2009

winter wonderland

Honestly, I am ready for winter to be over. Bundling baby in a fleece suit and actual snowsuit, two layers of blankets and wind shield for the stroller, all to take the dog for a walk is getting to be a bit too much. Lifting the stroller over the piles of snow at the edges of people's driveways who use a plow, but don't bother to clear the sidewalks is getting annoying. I just want to get out on the trails, without a jacket and mitts and breathe spring air!

I went for a sleigh ride in Mactaquac this week and I have to admit, the snow in the trees was beautiful. The excitement of the kids was beautiful too. Charlotte will never remember the outing (she slept for most of it!), but at least I was able to see through the darkness of winter and glimpse some beauty. The passing of time means my girl is growing, summer will hold her first birthday, and for now, I am happy to enjoy the moments of babyhood. So winter, you are okay, but I do wish the groundhog had a more uplifting prediction this year!

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